
Inference Schemes for M Best Solutions for Soft CSPs.

Emma Rollon, Natalia Flerova and Rina Dechter. In proceedings of Soft 2011. Attached to CP 2011.

Bucket and mini-bucket Schemes for M Best Solutions over Graphical Models.

Natalia Flerova, Emma Rollon and Rina Dechter. In proceedings of GKR 2011. Attached to IJCAI 2011.

Bucket Elimination with Capacity Constraints.

Javier Larrosa, Emma Rollon. 6th Workshop on Preferences and Soft Constraints. Attached to CP 2004.

Adaptive Consistency with Capacity Constraints.

Javier Larrosa, Emma Rollon. Workshop on Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints. Attached to ECAI 2004.


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